Round-Table 2BACK

“Balancing the needs of SMEs and Investor Protection”

The second round-table discussion addressed the subject of corporate governance and stressed on the issue that often with family ownership of business, accessing funding opportunities face major obstacles. This is in contrast to newly public companies which are likely to develop a more rigorous governance structures and policies that lead to more transparency. The panelists argued that it was essential for the regulators to take action in favor of improved corporate governance, a policy that would result in the best approach for the protection of investors.

Participants in Round-table 2:

Moderated by: Mr. Alain Biffani, General Director of the Ministry of Finance
• M. Christian de BOISSIEU, Board Member, Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF France)
• M. Mory SOUMAHORO, General Secretary, Conseil Régional de l’Epargne Publique et des Marchés Financiers (CREPMF)
• M. Nasser SEDDIQI, representing the Autorité Marocaine du Marché des Capitaux – AMMC and Acting President of the 15th Annual IFREFI
• M. Fadi KHALAF, General Secretary, Union des Bourses Arabes
• Me Carlos ABOU JAOUDE, Lawyer, Abou Jaoude & Associates